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CDCR Off-Duty Firearms Certification

Arizona Security Specialists provides off-duty / retired law enforcement certification for HR 218 (LEOSA) requirements. Additionally we provide the quarterly training requirements required for CDCR Off-Duty firearms certification.

We hold HR 218 and CDCR weapons qualifications courses regularly. Please contact us to schedule a time for us to meet on the range.

Below we have provided the required forms for CDCR off-duty qualifications: (Please bring the required forms with you when you qualify)

Range Safety Rules - DAI

Range Safety Rules - DAPO

Annual Acknowledgement Form

Off-Duty Form

Additionally, here is a guide for CDCR Peace Officer Off-Duty qualifications (updated March 2021).

If you are purchasing a firearm in California, here is the 10-day waiting waiver form.

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